An operation is an action applied on a selection of Data Type items. Operations can be categorized into different groups based on their characteristics:
Depending on the Data Type, operations can be:
- Unique to a specific Data Type
- Shared among two or more Data Types
Depending on the target of action, operations can be:
- Built-in Property — changes the Blender properties' value directly.
- Custom — performs broader, more complex actions on Blender data.
Built-in Property Operation
Built-in Property Operations change the value of a specific Blender data property.
Custom Operation
Custom Operations perform more complex actions on Blender data that may involve modifying one or more properties.
Operation Properties
Some operations may have additional properties that can be configured before executing the operation. In most cases, these properties can also be adjusted in the undo/redo panel in the lower left corner of the screen after having run the operation.
Operation Operators
Operations can have one of several possible modification operators depending on the value the operation modifies. Below is a list of modified values and what operators are available to them:
- Enum, String, Pointer:
- Set Equal
- Float, Integer, Float Vector, Integer Vector, Color:
- Set Equal
- Keep — keep the old value.
- Add
- Subtract
- Multiply
- Divide
Operation Rules
When selecting an operation, it will always show a confirmation popup. If the operation contains customization properties, they can be adjusted here before proceeding.
You can hold the Ctrl or Cmd (for Mac) button when clicking on the operation to execute it without invoking the confirmatory popup. If you have run this operation recently, the previously used property settings will be used. If you haven't run it recently, the default values will be used.
Depending on the operation, it can work on:
- all displayed items in the list, if not in multiselect mode.
- all enabled items in the list, if in multiselect mode.
- highlighted item in the list.
Most operations work on either all displayed or all enabled list items (depending on the multiselect mode). In cases where the operation works on the highlighted item (e.g, Set Active operation), there is an option for it in its confirmatory popup.
Operations work on list items from top to bottom.
Operation Menu
Operation menu can be accessed from the Data Type list controls.
Operation menu button, highlighted by a red square, can be used to choose an operation to execute.
Operation menu is divided into two parts:
- Built-in property operations
- Custom operations
Operation menu is divided in two halves. 1. Built-in property operations. 2. Custom operations.
Operation Report
Operation Report shows the log of the last run operation. It contains a list of operation report entries.
Operation report can be accessed from the Settings bar in the Data Type Selection Interface.
Operation Report Entry
An operation report entry consists of:
- operation outcome indicator (color-coded icon)
- operation outcome log message
Operation Outcome Indicator
An operation outcome indicator can be one of three types:
- Success — the operation executed successfully. Color-coded green.
- Warning — the operation executed successfully. Color-coded yellow.
- Failure — the operation failed to execute. Color-coded red.
Operation Outcome Log Message
An operation outcome log message displays what was changed during the execution of the operation. In the event of a Warning or Failure outcome, the message may have additional information regarding the respective outcome.
List of Available Operations
You can see a reference of all available operations here.