Delete Blender data of a specified Data Type.
Delete operation is a true delete operation in a sense that after deleting a data block, it does not leave Orphan Data (data block with zero users).
Using the Delete operator will have the following effects:
- Before deleting it, unlinks all usages of this Data Block.
- Removes references to this Data Block from the user interface.
When deleting Data-Block Data Types, the default behavior is as follows:
- Data that has more than one user is not deleted.
- Data that is marked fake user is not deleted.
This behavior can be overridden using options described below.
When deleting Data Types that are Blender Data-Blocks, there are several additional options available that modify the default behavior:

Delete Multi User — delete data if it has more than one user.
Delete Fake User — delete data if it is marked fake user.
Purge Unused Data — recursively delete unused data (all data-blocks with zero users) that became unused as a result of deleting selected data blocks.
Other unused data blocks that were already unused before will not be deleted.
This is in contrast to Blender's Purge Unused Data operator that removes all unused data blocks in the current blend file.
Object Data Type also has the following options:
Delete Object Data: (e.g., Mesh, Lattice, Armature, etc.)
Deleting Object Data Object data will only be deleted if the object itself is deleted. E.g.: if the object has multiple users, the
Delete Multi User
option above must first be enabled before the object's data can be deleted.
Collection Data Type also has the following options:
- Delete Objects: delete objects that were linked to this collection.

Supported Data Types
Operation is supported for:
- Action
- Asset Tag
- Attribute
- Armature
- Bone
- Bone (Edit)
- Brush
- Camera
- Collection
- Constraint
- Curve
- Custom Property
- Driver
- Driver Variable
- F-Curve
- Limitations:
- Deleting F-Curves from NLA Strips is not supported.
- Limitations:
- F-Modifier
- Grease Pencil
- Hair
- Image
- Lattice
- Light
- Light Probe
- Material
- Material Slot
- Mesh
- Metaball
- Modifier
- NLA Strips
- NLA Tracks
- Object
- Scene
- Sound
- Speaker
- Texture
- UV Map
- Vertex Group
- View Layer
- Volume
- World